What does the MyDiet nutrigenetic test analyse?
The MyDiet test analyses genetic markers of the main genes involved in:
- Fat metabolism
- Carbohydrate metabolism
- Protein metabolism
- Appetite regulation
- Sleep regulation
- Impact of exercise
- Propensity to addiction and gluttony
- Obesity risk
- Metabolic function
- Cardiovascular function
- Antioxidant activity
- Inflammatory response
Variations in these physiological functions directly affect your body weight and health:
- Susceptibility to weight gain
- Difficulty losing weight
- Difficulty in burning fat with exercise
- Risk of disease
Why MyDiet?
MyDiet has been designed as a diagnostic tool for nutritionists, to find out the genetic predisposition of each person and to be able to personalise nutritional plans more accurately, increasing their effectiveness.
It also provides information on the effectiveness of the ideal exercise for each person, as a complement to the diet in weight loss or weight maintenance plans. In addition, MyDiet makes it possible to improve people’s lifestyle habits through their genetics.
Once in a lifetime
Scientific evidence
Health and nutrition
Presentamos MyDiet, el test nutricional genético de Overgenes
- MyDiet is a genetic test to determine your nutrigenetic profile in order to improve the personalization of diet-sports plans and increase their effectiveness.
- Mydiet is a non-invasive test. The DNA is obtained from a saliva sample, which is completely painless and is suitable for any person of any age.
- MyDiet requires only a single test, as genetics do not change throughout life.
- MyDiet analyses nutrigenetic markers with scientific evidence and usefulness for improving people’s lives.
- Innovative technology for greater precision and depth in the results.
- Once the sample has been received in the laboratory, you will receive your results within 20 days.
Who is MyDiet for?
MyDiet is recommended for anyone who wants to lose weight in a more effective and healthy way, as well as for those who simply want to improve their lifestyle and wellbeing habits by adapting them to their nutrigenetic profile. Your genetic profile does not change throughout life so the test can be done by anyone at any age. It is recommended that a specialist evaluate and interpret the results, as there are physiological conditions (childhood, old age, pregnancy) and diseases that should be considered and integrated into a personalized assessment.
What is nutrigenetics?
Nutrigenetics is a field of nutritional genomics that studies the influence of certain genetic variants or polymorphisms on nutrient metabolism, diet and diet-related diseases. Nutrigenetics seeks to identify changes in DNA associated with differences between individuals that are not noticeable to the naked eye compared to others that are, such as eye color, hair type, constitution, etc
For instance, through nutrigenetics we can find out why two individuals who eat identical foods in the same quantity have different blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
Obesity and overweight
Obesity is, along with cancer, the main global epidemic wordwide. 350 million people are considered obese people, and 1.1 billion overweight. In most cases this is a preventable pathological condition caused by the excessive accumulation of body fat that leads to 2.8 million deaths per year, and is also a risk factor for other cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory diseases, diabetes, stroke and cancer.
Why are genetics important in managing weight?
Although there are diseases such as monogenic obesity caused by genetic alteration in a specific gene, in most cases the origin is multifactorial. In other words, weight problems are caused by a combination of lifestyle choices (processed foods, sedentary routine) and genetic variability (different responses to nutrition and exercise). Therefore, the same diet and physical activity can produce very different effects on different people.
Some people remain thin without ever exercising, while others struggle to lose weight despite being constantly on a diet. Genetics and environment are extremely important factors in deciding how each person should approach weight management.
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