Precision Genetics
Precision Genetics
What are precision genetic tests?
Precision genetics provides information that allows the specialist to personalise treatment for each patient.
Who are they aimed at?
The tests are indicated for specialists of any pathology who want to personalise the habits and treatments of their patients according to their individual characteristics.
What are they for?
The results of precision genetic testing allow personalisation and optimisation of patient treatments and habits according to individual variability, increasing treatment efficacy and decreasing risks.
Characteristics of our precision genetic tests
- They allow habits and treatments to be personalised according to the individual characteristics of each patient.
- Non-invasive. DNA is obtained from a saliva sample, completely painless and suitable for any person and age.
- It is performed once in a lifetime, genetics does not change.
- Our tests analyse genetic markers with scientific validity.
- Innovative technology that offers greater precision and depth in the results.
- Once the sample is received in the laboratory, the results will be available within a maximum of 20 days.
Precision test
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