MyNeuro mental health test
MyNeuro is a genetic test that determines the presence/absence of genetic variants related to biological processes that influence brain function and mood.
What is MyNeuro for?
The MyNeuro test determines the presence/absence of genetic variants related to biological processes that influence brain function and mood. This genetic information allows us to know the predisposition of an individual to develop:
- Alterations in behavioural regulation
- Addictive behaviours
- Alterations in emotional homeostasis
- Neuroinflammation
Once in a lifetime
Scientific evidence
Brain function
and mood
Introducing MyNeuro, the mental health medicine test
- MyNeuro is a genetic test that determines the presence/absence of genetic variants related to biological processes that influence brain function and mood.
- MyNeuro helps to better understand mental health, prevent and manage emotional disturbances and control stress.
- MyNeuro is a non-invasive test. DNA is obtained from a saliva sample, is completely painless and is suitable for any person of any age.
- MyNeuro is performed once in a lifetime, genetics does not change.
- MyNeuro analyses genetic markers with the highest level of scientific evidence.
- Innovative technology that offers greater accuracy and depth of results.
- Once the sample has been received in the laboratory, you will receive your results within a maximum of 20 days.
Who is MyNeuro aimed at?
All professionals who wish to improve the mental health of their patients, help them to prevent and manage emotional disturbances, stress control…
What does the MyNeuro test analyse?
- Dopamine
- Serotonin
- Endocannabinoids
- Cell signalling
- Wnt signalling
- Stress response
- Neuroinflammation
- Methylation
Personalised medicine
In a broad sense, personalised medicine could be defined as medicine specifically adapted to each individual, not thinking of a group or set within the population, but of each person, so that treatments are adjusted as much as possible to the specific individual characteristics of each patient.
This concept is linked to knowledge of the patient’s genetics, since both the genome and the environment are responsible for the phenotype of the individual, which is the set of visible characteristics that an individual presents as a result of the interaction between his or her genotype and the environment.
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